Welcome to the Boosters


Band and Orchestra Classes ∞ Marching Ensemble ∞ Winter Guard ∞ Winter Drumline ∞ Cadet Drumline

Who are the Boosters? ALL the parents and guardians of ALL the students that participate in Band and Orchestra Classes, Marching Ensemble, Winter Guard, Winter Drumline, and Cadet Drumline for Tigard High School are members of our booster group. The group is managed by a member-elected Board of Directors and the Tigard High Music Directors. It is essential to the continued health and growth of the programs that parents and family members become involved. We have a need for volunteers on a continued basis to keep the program running smoothly and be successful. This also includes parents/guardians that are willing to join the Board of Directors. We fundraise about 50% of the cost of supported programs. We are a very active and visible organization with events going on just about every month. We could not do this without the help of the parents and the community.

The Tigard High Band, Orchestra & Auxiliary Boosters is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose charter is to support Band and Orchestra Classes, Marching Ensemble, Winter Guard, Winter Drumline, and Cadet Drumline.

Download 2024-2025 Booster Flyer (8.5×11 PDF)

Booster Board of Directors 2024-2025
President: Melissa C / Crystal G
Vice-President: Melissa C / Crystal G
Treasurer: Kristy D
Secretary: Heather R

Year At A Glance
Here are some of our regular fundraisers/activities requiring the support of our boosters:

Can Drives (Every other month)
Marching Band – October
Craft Fair – December
Rhythmfest, Winter Guard Premier – February
Winter Drumline/Guard – February-March
Tigard Festival of Balloons – June

We also have other opportunities that present themselves throughout the year.