Just 3 important things…

Hey Boosters & Students!
Just 3 quick things:
1) Tigard High Band & Auxiliary Booster Meeting, Tomorrow, Wed Sept 19th @ 7PM, Tigard High Library
Find out what’s new and what’s coming. Pay fees. And bring your Scrip Orders!
2) Our Fall Can & Bottle Drive is right around the corner (Sat, Sep 29th)!
We need to get our groups together to distribute our flyers to Tigard neighborhoods starting Mon 9/24 through Thu 9/27. We have 16 mapped routes we’ll follow to hang flyers on about 4000 doors. So students, GRAB some friends, FIND an adult driver, and SIGN-UP in the band room (sheets on the wall, right side as you walk in) OR online at http://signup.com/go/NLmCevy. THEN pickup your flyer packet in the band room at 3:15 Mon 9/24 – Thu 9/27. We MUST get these flyers distributed so that people will save their cans & bottles and leave them out for us to pickup on the 29th. ALSO sign-up for a SHIFT at the Can & Bottle Drive on the 29th @ Twality http://signup.com/go/qcBYUTY
Questions? Contact Melissa Petrick or Sean Hotchkiss @ thsbandboostersor@gmail.com.
3) Scrip Gift Card Orders Due: Fri, Sept 21st @ THS Main Office Reception Desk -OR- BRING THEM TO THE MEETING!
If you spend $400/month on groceries with Scrip gift cards, you can earn close to $145 in the 9 months the Scrip program is active, assumes a 4% return. Start now and thats almost $300 towards the Disney 2020 trip just by spending money you spend anyway!
See you tomorrow!
The Board

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