Hey Boosters & Students!
Just 3 quick things:
1) Tigard High Band & Auxiliary Booster Meeting, Tomorrow, Wed Sept 19th @ 7PM, Tigard High Library
Find out what’s new and what’s coming. Pay fees. And bring your Scrip Orders!
Find out what’s new and what’s coming. Pay fees. And bring your Scrip Orders!
2) Our Fall Can & Bottle Drive is right around the corner (Sat, Sep 29th)!
We need to get our groups together to distribute our flyers to Tigard neighborhoods starting Mon 9/24 through Thu 9/27. We have 16 mapped routes we’ll follow to hang flyers on about 4000 doors. So students, GRAB some friends, FIND an adult driver, and SIGN-UP in the band room (sheets on the wall, right side as you walk in) OR online at http://signup.com/go/NLmCevy. THEN pickup your flyer packet in the band room at 3:15 Mon 9/24 – Thu 9/27. We MUST get these flyers distributed so that people will save their cans & bottles and leave them out for us to pickup on the 29th. ALSO sign-up for a SHIFT at the Can & Bottle Drive on the 29th @ Twality http://signup.com/go/qcBYUTY
Questions? Contact Melissa Petrick or Sean Hotchkiss @ thsbandboostersor@gmail.com.
We need to get our groups together to distribute our flyers to Tigard neighborhoods starting Mon 9/24 through Thu 9/27. We have 16 mapped routes we’ll follow to hang flyers on about 4000 doors. So students, GRAB some friends, FIND an adult driver, and SIGN-UP in the band room (sheets on the wall, right side as you walk in) OR online at http://signup.com/go/NLmCevy. THEN pickup your flyer packet in the band room at 3:15 Mon 9/24 – Thu 9/27. We MUST get these flyers distributed so that people will save their cans & bottles and leave them out for us to pickup on the 29th. ALSO sign-up for a SHIFT at the Can & Bottle Drive on the 29th @ Twality http://signup.com/go/qcBYUTY
Questions? Contact Melissa Petrick or Sean Hotchkiss @ thsbandboostersor@gmail.com.
3) Scrip Gift Card Orders Due: Fri, Sept 21st @ THS Main Office Reception Desk -OR- BRING THEM TO THE MEETING!
If you spend $400/month on groceries with Scrip gift cards, you can earn close to $145 in the 9 months the Scrip program is active, assumes a 4% return. Start now and thats almost $300 towards the Disney 2020 trip just by spending money you spend anyway!
See you tomorrow!
The Board