To all Band & Auxiliary Boosters (Parents/Guardians) & Students:
Who is a Booster? You’re a Booster if you’re the parent or guardian of a student in a Band Class, a Marching Ensemble Member, a Winter Color Guard Member, a Winter Drumline Member, or a Cadet Drumline Member.
Welcome New and Returning Students & Boosters!
I’d rather be writing a nice “Welcome Back!” letter but this one will be mostly business. As you saw or will see in Mr. Irving’s Welcome Letter, students and parent/guardians also support the program by working at our various required fundraising events: Garage Sale, Craft Fair, Rhythmfest, Can Drives, and the always fun Tigard Balloon Festival. We’ll also be trying to experiment with new / additional fundraisers this year.
We are in DESPERATE NEED of student and parent/guardian volunteers the days of the Garage Sale on August 17-18!This fundraiser will not succeed without your support! We also need help sorting / pricing @ Twality on Sunday 3-5:30 & Wednesday 5-8:30.
NOTE: If you’re in Marching Ensemble you’ll be at Band Camp on Friday, Aug 17th and get to help setup already! No need to sign up for that shift, but sign up for a Saturday shift!
Upcoming Events:
1) Annual Garage Sale Fundraiser: August 17-18. – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!
2) Annual ALL Band & Auxiliary Boosters Picnic & Meeting – August 24th 6PM & Tigard High
This is a mandatory meeting for students and parent/guardians where questions will be answered, food eaten, and music heard. MORE INFO BELOW!!!
1) Annual Garage Sale Fundraiser is August 17-18 @ the Southwest Church of Christ, 98th & Durham 9AM – 3PM
Get Garage Sale details:
Volunteer here:
Download and share the flyer: Take them to your local grocery store, church. Give them to friends and family.
Thank you to those that have already helped and/or signed up!
2) Annual Band & Auxiliary Boosters Picnic & Meeting – August 24th 6PM & Tigard High
This is a mandatory meeting where most of your questions will be answered.
There will be music, provided by YOUR STUDENTS!
Shortly thereafter, we will eat!
Then we will have a meeting where you will meet your Band & Auxiliary Booster Leadership Team, learn more about the upcoming wonderfulness that is the band & auxiliary program, and have the opportunity to vote on the 2018-19 budget.
Burgers/dogs & drinks will be provided. We ask each family to bring other food items based on your student’s last name.
A-G – Salad
H-L – Fruits & Veggies
M-R – Sides (chips, snacks, dips, etc.)
S-Z – Desserts
If you can get donations or a sponsorships from your company / employer for the paper tableware we’ll need to serve the food or ANYTHING else (buns, burgers, dogs, printing, cash, etc…) please email Also let us know if you’d like to learn more about the benefits of a Corporate Sponsorship!
If you have questions please email
Important Links:
McKee’s Fabulous Forum – THE place for all marching band information
Irving’s Band Calendar
Tigard High Band and Auxiliary Boosters – the best parent group ever!
Sean Hotchkiss, President, Tigard Band & Auxiliary Boosters