Booster meeting, Can & Bottle Drive, Scrip Orders, Mobile Boutique and more…



Tigard High Band & Auxiliary Booster Newsletter

News At-a-Glance

  • Band & Auxiliary Booster Parent Meeting Sept 19th @ 7PM in the THS Library
    What’s new? What’s coming? And what’s what?
  • Scrip Gift Card Orders Due: Fri, Sept 21st @ THS Main Office Reception Desk [learn more]
    If you spend $400/month on groceries with Scrip gift cards, you can earn close to $145 in the 9 months the Scrip program is active, assumes a 4% return. Start now and thats almost $300 towards the Disney 2020 trip just by spending money you spend anyway!
  • Fall Can & Bottle Drive Flyer Announcement Distibution ~VOLUNTEERS NEEDED~ [get details & sign-up today]
    Sept 24th – Sept 28th, Meet at THS after school. Adults drive students to distribute flyers to houses in Tigard neighborhoods.
  • Fall Can & Bottle Drive + Pop Up Boutique ~VOLUNTEERS NEEDED~ [get details & sign-up today]
    Sept 29th, 2018 @ Twality. Collect, sort, and bag/box the cans and bottles. PLUS a fun new shopping experiece for the community!
  • Upcoming Fundraisers & Events [get details]
  • Where can I learn what is going on? [get details]

What is a Booster? You’re a Band & Auxiliary Booster if you’re the parent or guardian of a student in any Band Class, a Marching Ensemble Member, a Winter Color Guard Member, a Winter Drumline Member, or a Cadet Drumline Member. Yes, just by allowing your student to be part of any one of these groups you’re automatically a Booster. Congratulations! We rely upon the entire family to support the program, students and adults. Email the Board with any questions or comments –

About the Band & Auxiliary Boosters »
Welcome to the Band & Auxiliary Boosters »
Booster Resource Questionnaire »

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Fall Can & Bottle Drive + Pop Up Boutique

We need EVERYONE to do 1-2 shifts. See below for more info on what is required.
WEEK OF SEPT 24TH: Can & Bottle Drive Announcement Flyer Distribution – SIGN UP HERE
SEPT 29TH: Can & Bottle Drive Collecting & Sorting – SIGN UP HERE

Download and share these fundraiser flyers! Flyer #1 | Flyer #2

Fall Can & Bottle Drive on September 29th @ Twality Middle School, so start saving those returnable items! We’ll also be adding something new! A LuLaRoe Mobile Shopping Boutique experience, also on September 29th @ Twality Middle School.

The Can & Bottle Drive is a three step process.

1. Flyer Distribution to Tigard Neighborhoods

Mid-September: After School, multiple shifts and a very critical part of our drive!

Drive your student’s team to hand out flyers: There are a few routes within walking distance of THS. Students will form into 16 teams to cover the 16 routes we’ve mapped out. Most of the neighborhoods are not by the school! It is up to the students to coordinate when they are going to do the flyers and who is driving them. Please note that it will take a team of 4 students about 3 hours to paper a neighborhood. Please plan accordingly and it goes a lot smoother and faster with a parent helping! They are required to finish the entre route no later than 6:00 pm on Friday but sooner is better!

So students, gather a few friends (teams of 4 preferred, 3 if that’s all we can fit in a car) and bug one of your parents to be a driver.

For the flyer distribution we can be flexible on the actual day that you take a team of 4ish students out. We just need to know when you’re going and who you’re taking! is not setup to accommodate the unusual scheduling needs of this event. If you can get your team together at a different time we can work with that too, but we’d prefer the driver (aka supportive parent), to pick up the flyer packet with route map at 3:15.

2. Pick-up and sort the donated cans and bottles into three teams; cans, plastic, and glass.

September 29th at Twality from 9AM – 3PM, multiple shifts!

3. (Adults only) Deliver and unload the sorted donations at the Oregon Bottle Redemption Center in NW Portland the week following the drive.

Contact Melissa Petrick & Sean Hotchkiss @ with questions.

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Upcoming Fundraisers & Events

Booster Meeting on Sept 19th @ 7PM in the THS Library (we think)

Fall Can & Bottle Drive on September 29th @ Twality Middle School, so start saving those returnable items! We’ll also be adding something new! A LuLaRoe Mobile Shopping Boutique experience, also on September 29th @ Twality Middle School. This is volunteer driven event. More info to come.

Competitive Marching Ensemble Schedule for the Tigard Marching Ensemble
– October 6th – Liberty Marching Arts Challenge @ Hillsboro Stadium
– October 13th – Sunset Classic @ Hillsboro Stadium
– October 20th – Century Showcase @ Hillsboro Stadium
– October 27th – NWAPA Championships @ University of Oregon Autzen Stadium

Annual Tigard Band & Auxiliary Boosters Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, December 1st. This is volunteer driven event. More info to come.

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Where can I learn what is going on?

Tigard High Band & Auxiliary Boosters website –
McKee’s Fabulous Forum – – All Things Marching and More…
Irving’s Calendar of Events – – The name speaks for itself
Irving’s Band/Performing Arts Website – – The name also speaks for itself


Tigard High Band Boosters
P.O. Box 230349
Tigard, OR 97281


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